
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



6 Years
Extra large
02-16-2016, 05:04 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2016, 05:06 PM by Glacier.)
It was the moment they had all been waiting for. They had kept such a careful watch over the beach, calculating the length of receding water each day. They knew it would be gone in the first days of summer. Yet, when he woke up that morning and made his way to the adjoining territories he would still be surprised to find the absence of water along their beach side. He sat there for a moment, surprised and speechless. Their beach had been returned to them! In his next breath, he would notice the destruction the tide and submersion had caused. They would have to dig out their dens, clear out the caves and recreate what they had once built for themselves.

Even as he considered the damage and approaching time and effort, he would lift his gaze at the feel of familiar eyes on him, and would meet the electric vision of Voltage there on the cliff tops. He smiled a crocked smile at his brother, the pressure of leadership already lifted from his shoulders. It would take time and effort, but it would bring them all together, they would work in unison to clear and fix, to reclaim what was there's. His grin turned boyish, and he knew Voltage was waiting for him to call their pack together. Typical, his brother always seemed to know the ins and outs of what was happening in their land before he did... it was nice of him to give Glacier a chance to wake up and call the meeting. He winked at Volt, raised his head, and howled. The call wasn't optional, this was a mandatory group effort and clean up. Even the young ones where summoned, through he doubted he needed to encourage them. Mortar, Aurora and Ray had been waiting for their chance to explore the beach. It would be Locha he would most await for, he and Voltage could use her expertise in direction the repairs in the wake of the ocean's power.

No posting orders this round or next just to get this thread moving. This round ends 23/2/16

"Burn Baby Burn"