
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



2 Years
Extra large

02-16-2016, 05:28 PM

It was time to have the best of both worlds clash. She had kept her trouble with Mortar separate to Aurora, and her trouble with Aurora separate to Mortar, and it was time to bring them both together and become the ultimate terrors or Donostrea. She had nudged Aurora awake in the early hours of the morning, her face bright and eager and she waited for Aurora to look her way before nudging her head towards the surrounding woods. Her mischievous expression and her bright eyes would be all Aurora needed to know that Ray was up to no good.

Certain her sister would follow her she took off at a light pace into the woods and towards Mortar's den. She hadn't seen the man since Glacier had given her (and by the sounds of it, him) a lecture and she wans't certain how well her presence would be received. Perhaps that was why she took Aurora with her at last to meet him, to distract him with something big and wonderful, a new friend! And she wanted to see Aurora getting up to more mischief, right now her father probably thought Ray was the most trouble making of the two... he would soon learn.

Hey where near the entrance of the den when her fathers howl rang out. She froze mid step, lifting her head to the sky, listening to it. He was calling for her. Well, he was calling for everyone, but she was included! The beach was open! She did a little dance on the spot in excitement, turned to Roar, grinning wide she skipped a step towards her, rubbed her head against the others neck, and ran head long into the entrance of Mortars den. “Tar, Tar!” she gave him little time to react, running up to him, she nudged him from behind, half pushing him towards the exit of his den. "The beach is open" with that, she took off back into the forest, likely leaving two very confused pups in her wake. she was too excited to be controlled, and if they followed her or now... she would be at the meeting at quickly as her paws could take her. she ran up to her fathers side, bouncing on her paws, unable to stay still. she had nearly forgotten about introducing the two wolves she had dragged along with her, and turned now towards them.
