
A place inside my mind



6 Years

02-17-2016, 01:32 AM

Finally, the spring season had passed, and already Esarosa was much enjoying the change. The springtime muck had dried up around here, leaving the ground solid and the entire area abundant with life. Not to mention her hormones were finally returning to normal, after a season that just seemed to last way too long. So the change in season was more than welcome. Esa pranced through the dancing willow tendrils, enjoying the breeze that teased the leaves. The shade provided by the trees was delightful as well, since her ebony coat soaked up the sun's rays in the most dreadful way, causing her to overheat easily. How nice it was to be able to waste time and energy doing nothing. The summer was easy here.

Still, there was a lingering frustration within her. Being tied down in one place was something quite new to her, and she wasn't sure what to do with herself. Things weren't really going the way she wanted, but then again, did she even know what she wanted? As she bounded around the willows, she began to grab at the vines, pulling off the leaves as she did so. Wondering how many tendrils she could grab at once, she crouched down, coiling the muscles in her legs as she prepared to leap. She sprung into the air, her paws splaying as her jaws reached for the willow tendrils - grabbing just 4 or 5, she snapped her teeth shut.

A little disappointed, she bore down on the vines as her paws touched the ground. Tugging and shaking the vines, she growled a little, entertaining herself, since there was just nothing better to do right now. It felt good to thrash the willow tendrils and see the leaves go scattering, since it was kinda like killing something but without any of the effort or risk. Ah, what a way to spend the day on her own, relieving any lingering uncertainties and amusing herself all the same.

"Speak" "Listen" Think