
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



5 Years
02-17-2016, 05:33 PM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

Gale was doing what she enjoyed most to do during the early morning hours: sleep. In the small den that she had very reluctantly moved into, the grey and lavender wolf lay curled upon her side, drawn tight and snugly together with her tail draped across her nose. While others of her family - particularly the more energetic ones - saw wasted time in lazing about and sleeping in, the Donostrea Aertus thoroughly reveled in the peace and restfulness that came with waking up exactly when she felt like waking up.

She had every intention of doing just that too, if not for her brother insisting that the pack gather together. Through her sleep-befuddled mind, the Elementas girl heard her brother's voice, felt it pull her from her dreams, and with a grumble she scrunched her eyes closed and tucked her face further beneath her wispy tail. But as those notes Glacier sang died down and wound their way back through her mind for a second time, she heard something in that message that caused her ears to perk and one grey-green eye to crack open while her drowsy thoughts struggled to catch up.

Was he...was he at the beach? Gale blinked, yawned, and stumbled to her feet, staggering out of her den and stopping to yawn another time and shake off the last of her drowsiness. This was momentous. It had sounded as if Glacier was calling them all together at the beach, which would mean that the flooding had receded and the shoreline was finally theirs again. Please, oh please, oh please, Gale pleaded with the universe as she set off at a trot toward her sibling, hoping that she had heard correctly.

By the time she reached Glacier and the kids, and could see the beach for herself, she knew it to be true. Her grin was bright, excited and relieved, as she laughed and approached her brother. "About time," she stated, only sparing Glacier a glance as her pale eyes continued to survey the messy shoreline with a smile. Littered or not, she was very glad to see the water gone and their home returned to them.