
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action


02-17-2016, 06:26 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been sleeping soundly until Ray had forcefully nudged her awake. Rory's golden eyes blinked rapidly as she rolled to her stomach, giving her head a quick shake and fixing her bright gaze on her grey and blue sibling. What was this? An adventure already? Not that she disliked adventures - Rory was just as adventurous in her own right as her troublesome sister was - but being waken up and thrown into one was not particularly her favorite thing. But because it was her sister, and because she looked so excited, Aurora managed to smile and drag herself to her feet to follow.

Seraphiel might have tried to tell her about where they were going - she would never really know - but Rory did not need an explanation with her sister. It was a given that Ray knew all the super fun things and places and wolves within - and even outside! - of Donostrea, so the smaller sister trusted her judgment. When it came to having a good time, Ray would never steer them wrong.

And now was no different. Ray was all bouncing steps and knowing grins, and Aurora found her excitement contagious. This was going to be good, she could just feel it, and it practically made her paws itch just to get wherever they were going faster. They left the prairie and entered a copse of trees, and Rory began to catch the scent of someone new on the air. It was not like the scents of her family members, so well connected that they almost smelled the same at times, but clearly the scent belonged here. Was this the surprise that her sister had for her? She was more than ready to find out, and her attention remained fixed on Ray as the other girl stopped and became very attentive. Rory knew that look well enough by now. The grown ups wanted them somewhere.

She thought at first whatever they intended to do would be put on hold until after they went to go find a grown up, but Ray took off swiftly ahead of her, disappearing into a den that Rory had not noticed until then. The blue pup did not follow but lingered outside of it, peering within as her sibling roused another figure inside. Aurora fidgeted on her paws as Ray emerged, pushing forward another tall, dark colored youth, and for a moment Rory stared with open curiosity etched upon her soft, rounded features. Who was this? She recognized his scent - it had followed Ray home a time or two already - but she was sure she had never seen him before. She turned her head to look toward her sister, a questioning look on her face, but Seraphiel was already gone.

More interested in keeping up with her sister, Rory cast only a quick look at the bright-eyed youth Sera had just woken up before chasing after the grey and blue girl, following her all the way to their father. The sight of him caused the young blue pup to immediately smile and her tail to wag eagerly. From the way he sat, she supposed he must have been the reason Ray had gotten that funny look to her face, and with her sister bouncing around at his paws, Aurora stopped to stare at them both with a grin.