
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



5 Years
02-17-2016, 07:10 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Anais was scouting through the Algoma Prairie, on the lookout for potential catches that she could make to add to the pack's food cache, when she heard Glacier's howl. The focused, attentive expression of her face relaxed almost the instant she heard his voice, and even as her lips curved into a gentle smile her head leaned just slightly to the side. It was a pack summons. All of them, even the young ones, were invited to come along, and hearing the clear undertone of Glacier's intent the golden brown hunter chuckled and grinned. The was finally open!

Feeling thrilled and energized by the news, the PraeVilendis turned and ran to answer her mate's call, unable to stop herself from grinning as she went. Her thoughts filled with the shoreline that had been gone for so long, the big, cozy den her family had been forced to vacate. Oh, she was so eager to return to it, to set things to rights and make the space theirs again. Not that she had any complaints about the prairie, but she had grown accustomed to the cavern system of dens and had attached a lot of sentimental value to the place. And she very much wanted to share all of that with her children.

Both of them were already there when she finally reached Glacier. She spotted them standing alongside Mortar, who looked to be in better health and, she hoped, better spirits. Anais smiled warmly at the children, resisting the urge to march right over to them and offer each of them a nuzzle and a kiss - it would have made her feel good but she was half certain it would only embarrass them. Her golden eyes shifted to take in Glacier's siblings, both Solaris and Gale already present. Each looked excited and eager to have the beach back too, and she could only imagine the feeling was stronger for them. She made her way to Glacier's side and brushed her shoulder against his with a wag of her tail. She said nothing, but it hardly felt as if anything needed to be said; they had their beach back!

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.