
I don't know what I expect to find

Absinthe 1

02-17-2016, 11:55 PM

Bacchus had lost the challenge. That wasn't the worst thing in the world, at least in her mind. Her best friend had been taking it rather poorly, moping about whilst he let his injuries recover. The only reason he wasn't running about like usual was the girl herself. She'd commanded that he tone it down until he had healed, and so far he'd been listening. As far as she knew. Her travels brought her back to the east. She wanted to see how the pack was settling in after the challenge, see some old faces if she happened upon them. Part of her longed to see her adoptive family. They had all looked so.. betrayed, when Bacc had called the challenge into being. Ama and Athena had seemed disappointed, even offended. So had her brothers that weren't her brothers. She hadn't caught all of it, she was too focused on the fact that her big sister, her kind-of sort-of real sister had appeared. Sat right next to her. It had been a shock, to say the least.

A familiar voice called to her. She glanced up, frowning at the summer foliage. Tiburtius. Well, speak of the devil! Though she had no hopes of sneaking around anywhere, she still lowered her head as she crept closer. There was no telling how he would react to her. He sounded mostly curious, probably wondering if it was actually her. However, when she appeared before him, he might very well go on the offensive. That was no good, not at all. She peered around the thin trunk of a sapling, spotting her not-brother right in front of her. She offered a small, tentative smile. "Hiya, Tibby!" She drawled, trying for chipper. Alabaster toes skimmed slowly across the leaf litter, mismatched eyes watching him inquisitively. It wasn't long before they were face to face, with barely enough room between them for the violet girl to have a head start if she had to turn tail. "How's things?" She questioned, southern accent strong as ever. The slight tilt of her head at the question, and loose posture illustrated that there was no threat to be found in her. However, Tib' was a whole different ball game.
