



7 Years

02-18-2016, 12:37 PM

Now that summer had rolled around, the lands were finally starting to dry out. The river was slowly starting to recede to its normal path, pulling back from the land. At last he could walk around to check on it, renewing his border markers. They had grown weak during spring, the area had been so coated in mud and running water that it was too dangerous for his wolves to walk in. While the ground still sucked at his paws, there were enough dry patches that he could pick his way across with leaps and bounds over the more muddy patches. It didn't leave his coat unmarred though, his usually pale legs now painted brown up to his ankles. Bass sighed and shook his head back and forth, irritation colouring his face. It would be a few weeks still until this land returned to normal. They were still silent, the sounds of animals that usually sounded were still. He wondered how long it would be until prey returned here in full. Humming to himself, he found a completely dry spot and sat down, golden eyes scanning the horizon.

Many thoughts swam around in the man's head. Now that it was summer, his birthday was here. His youngest litter was also a year already. He let out another sigh, he was turning into an old man. Five years old... And his kids, well his youngest litter and some of his older ones were all on the fritz. Sandpiper and Tordo had been distant, running around and growing up. Starling was who knows where, although all the older kids had been more present since Finch was found. And Wren... well he didn't even know where to start with her. For almost a year now she had been pretty much gone. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't really leave and go looking for her. She had wandered off before and returned, something their children seemed to be picking up. But this time... it was the longest she had been gone. Even when Finch had gone missing, he had hardly seen hide nor hair of her. His heart broke, head hanging down. Had he done something wrong? Did she not love him anymore? Maybe she had moved on, a midlife crisis type of thing. Bass couldn't even imagine finding anyone else, his kids would probably hate him if he fell in love with anyone who wasn't their mother. But... could he hold on again and again, each time she left again? He was tired of waiting, of being tugged back and forth like this. He couldn't keep going on, knowing if she was or wasn't here for the family. If she wanted to leave, she needed to do so, and if she wanted to stay then she needed to be present. His heart couldn't take this any longer. He thought of trying to call for her, but bit his tongue. Instead he stood in the silent lands, wrestling with his thoughts.
