



8 Years
02-20-2016, 06:28 AM

The man had been wandering around, looking for nothing and no one in particular, for a few days now. His wandering had brought him to Southern Alacritice and across a rabbit den where he proceeded to catch and kill a decent sized rabbit. Little did he know at the time, that his kill would be nourishment for another about a mile from where he had killed it.

He now stood several yards from the girl who's bloody sent had alerted him. With the rabbit cluched in his jaws, Maximous would examine her as well as he could from a distance. He was looking for the rise and fall of her sides, instead he saw her shaking. With as much blood as there was dried and stuck to her pelt, he was amaised she was even still alive.

In seeing the girl was still alive, Max had moved closer leaving only two or three yards between them. Gently he would set down the rabbit so that he could talk. "Excuse me..." he would say softly in an attempt to keep from frightening her anymore than what he was sure she already was. Now that he was closer he couldnt see any wounds on her...just blood, a lot of blood. He was begining to wonder if it was even hers. He couldnt be positive though, as she was curled up in a ball preventing him from seeing all of her. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He desperately wanted to know where the child's parents were. His only two reasons for not asking was because if they had left her out here by herself on purpose, he may not be able to keep his temper under control. The other was that he had a sinking feeling that this was her parents blood and he didnt want to upset her any further. Either way he would not let her lay here and die.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)