
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



5 Years
02-18-2016, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2016, 07:01 PM by Locha.)

Locha stared up into the clear Summer sky. She felt as free as a fish. as light as an osprey diving down to the water. Not a single cloud could be seen in the early morning sunrise. When Locha awoke that morning, she felt that something was different. Something felt as if it had shifted back into place. She could hear the waves crashing onto the sand, smell the saltiness of an undisturbed sea and the gulls cawing up above. Locha didn't think she'd ever moved as fast as she had that morning, loping down to the cliffside and her beloved beach. She had skidded to a stop, her mouth set in a massive smile as  the woman beheld the beach, finally retuned to them. Over the water, she could see the beginning of a sunrise. the red streaks of light peeking up from behind Nephilim Island, setting the water pink. Running down and unblocked passage, she ran out to the shore, past the debris and straight into the water. It was there she stayed until her two brothers awoke, promptly calling a meeting.

Dragging herself out of the water, Locha climbed up the beach. Her gaze kept flickering back to the surf, but she made it to the gathering without being too late. Her tail wagging and with a joyous smile, Locha stood, fur dripping wet. She looked at her family, smiling at each and eer one of them. She felt full to the brim with joy at having her beach back and she was bouncing on her toes with anticipation.