
I wanna get better



9 Years
Athena I
02-18-2016, 11:49 PM

It broke his heart seeing Ama like this. She turned her head into him and he let her cry as long as she wanted, his mismatched ears pinned to his head while he felt her tears soaking his fur. He leaned his muzzle down to gently lick the top of her head between her ears. She finally spoke, explaining the meaning behind the insistent shaking of her head. It relieved his guilt a bit to know that he wasn't to blame, but it didn't make him feel any better really. Just less guilty and more sad. Sad for Amalia and Athena, sad for this situation that Bacchus caused. The silence took over the den once again and just as he collected his thoughts enough to respond, she suddenly hopped up like a whirlwind, saying something about not wanting his wounds to get infected. He blinked and watched her hurry over to her herb store to start scrambling through them to find the right ones.

He smiled slightly, the movement feeling as fake as her forced laughter. "No, we certainly wouldn't want that." He watched herb after herb he couldn't name be flung toward him till he heard her ask about bruising. He shifted the shoulder that had been forced into Bacchus' chest for most of the fight and it immediately protested the movement. His jaw tensed at the pain and he nodded. He noticed then that she had her head buried in her herbs again so he spoke just in case she hadn't seen. "Yeah, shoulder's bruised pretty bad." He knew why she was doing this. It was the same reason he made himself do patrols constantly at times or busied himself with checking on the structure of other's dens for safety or the like. It was a distraction. Whenever he got stressed over something he did the same thing, distracted himself from the real problem.

"Amalia," he said simply and firmly, the single word asking her to stop and look at him. His concern was clear in the pull of his brows and the frown on his lips. "You did a fine job raising those boys. Look at Tiburtius. Vitus and Archie. All four of them were raised the same. It wasn't you. Bacchus was a fine young man before he left with Absinthe. There's no way of knowing what all happened while they were gone, but whatever it was it wasn't you. You didn't cause this. As for going to look for him, there was no way to know that he wasn't fine. No one expected you to go looking for him, not when he willingly went on an adventure. He told everyone he was leaving, it wasn't like he disappeared out of the blue. We were gone for ages. Some of our siblings are still gone. Do you see our mother out searching for them every waking moment? No. Not all wolves want to be tied to one place forever. It happens."

He paused breifly, surprising himself with his own revelation. "To be honest, I respect him for challenging me. He's grown up. He knew what he wanted and he didn't let the fact that I was his uncle keep him from that... I think he wanted you. You and Athena. He wanted his family but he wanted it on his terms... If you ask me, I think that shows that you raised him just right. You raised him to be a brave, independent man that loves his family. That might have gotten skewed somewhere along the way, but that's really all it was when you strip away layers."

"Talk" "You" Think