
Take cover!



8 Years
Athena I
02-20-2016, 07:27 PM

Solaris' paws carried him across the sands of the beach while he looked for something else to clean up. He was simply happy to have the beach returned to them. He briefly saw Glacier's daughter run off from the group and he smiled before turning his orange gaze back down to the sands. He loved watching how care free pups seemed to be, at least for the most part. How fun it must be to get such a kick out of just running across the beach. He hummed quietly to himself as he walked, picking up loose limbs as he went. He was moving away from the ground and heading up the beach, but he wanted to take the small pile of thin branches he was collecting between his jaws over to the prairie just to keep them from getting stuck in the sand again.

He padded over to the edge of the beach where the land shifted from sand to grass and dropped off the branches before turning around to head back down the beach. Just as he was turning though he happened to glance to the side in time to see Seraphiel duck behind a stack of rocks. A brow raised curiously and he smiled a little as he watched her. What was she up to. He glanced toward the caves where most of their family still was and it didn't see like anyone else was looking this way. He looked back to the pup and padded toward her, a smile playing on his lips. "What are you up to?" he asked softly, ducking down like he was going to hide behind the rocks with her even though there was no way he could fit behind it completely.

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