
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



4 Years
Extra large
02-20-2016, 09:33 PM

Once again Mortar was fast asleep.

Well, at least he was, until Ray showed up once again to raise him from his slumber. It wasn't just her that woke him up though. A call from Glacier caught his attention too and the boy shook his head to shake the sleep from his brain. He rose and began to exit his den as fast as he could, though Ray was quick to encourage him as she went behind him and practically shoved him forward. He couldn't get why she was so excited but he could only assume it was rather important for her to be so worked up about it. It wasn't until she said the beach was open before she took off sprinting towards it that he understood.

It was then he realized Ray had brought company.

He turned his attention to yet another blue colored wolf, this one somewhat smaller than Ray, and Mortar suspected this was the so called sister Ray had talked about. He studied her shyly, though the girl seemed eager to follow her sister as she took off after her. Mortar just stood there, a bit dumbfounded, for a moment trying to make sense of the situation before he realized he needed to follow them.

So he took after the too and it didn't take him too long before he reached the others. Glacier, Ray, and the other blue pup were there already and Mortar slowed a bit, trying to figure out where he was suppose to sit. Did it matter where he sat? Or was there some assigned order to this? His brows knit together as he tried to figure out what to do before he sheepishly slunk over to Ray intent on sticking by her as he knew a bunch of strangers would be present. Best be by her than someone he didn't know.

Mortar realized he didn't know very many here at all, which made him anxious, and it wasn't until Anais arrived that he felt better. He offered her a wag of his tail as she smiled at them, and he watched as she went over to Glacier to sit. As much as he wanted to be by Ray he realized that with so many wolves crowding around Glacier it was going to get rather crowded quickly so he shuffled backwards. Maybe he could somewhat hide behind someone. Yeah! That was a good idea.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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