
Lost in skies of powdered gold



9 Years
Athena I
02-22-2016, 09:28 PM

Her ears perked at the sound of a bark and she'd turn around to see a mostly brown made moving toward her. She really hadn't considered the fact that the change of seasons had brought her heat with it. If she had been back home it was possible that she might have been looking for a male to have her first litter with - not that she had really considered it as a possibility for herself - so she wasn't entirely surprised to see a man interested in her. She'd wait for him to draw closer and she'd glance over his interestingly shaped markings. It was still a shock to her at times to see a wolf with such substantial white markings, although his were much more ivory in color and not nearly as bright as some wolves she had seen around these lands since she had arrived here. It was just a shock after being brought up in a land that cursed anyone born with such fur coloring... His eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue however. She had always loved what the eyes said about wolves so seeing his cyan gaze once he got close made her a little more at ease.

"Hello there," she said in greeting with a small smile. He was several inches taller than herself. His build spoke of that of a fighter, but she didn't see that in his gaze or his stance. Interesting. She settled on her haunches as she assessed him, growing more curious as she looked him over. The breeze kicked up again for a moment, sending the feather on her bracelet twirling around her leg and ruffling the thicker fur on her scruff. "Do you often approach complete strangers like this? Or is this a rare occasion I've been graced with?"

"Talk" "You" Think