
A little shut-eye will do



3 Years
Extra large
02-23-2016, 04:26 AM

She was feeling quite pleased with herself and the morning's accomplishments. Learning the basics of fighting and a hunt, all with her friend. This day was getting better and better. Though she hadn't actually sparred, she had developed a good understanding of fighting, its necessity in protecting herself and others and the physiological motives that should help her win. She had to admit, her friend was quite smart, and she was lucky enough to have met him and followed him to Fiori. Would she have learnt the same in Borealis?

As she walked through Fiori's lands she revised what she had learnt to ensure she didn't show up clueless for tomorrow's training. Chin tucked, head lowered with spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, weight evenly distributed...what else was there? Oh yes, her tail; she always forgot about her tail. Alright, so she had her defences all done and dusted, what about attacks? Well, she could slam into her opponent - preferably the windpipe - or grab a hold of their scruff or step onto their toes...all as long as she made her attacks effective. Yes, she was definitely ready.

The green-marked girl hadn't yet explored the springs, and so that was where her paws led her. The bubbling water in the distance caught her attention and allured her closer, almost calling for her to take a dip. Her limbs were feeling a bit sore from the hunt, so she wouldn't mind soaking the aches away. With her scarlet eyes set on the pools, she trotted over eagerly...until a familiar, smaller form came into her vision. Her paws slowed and features fell with disappointment. Not only had someone bet her to it, but it was Xephyris, one of Riv's friends. The one canine out of the wolf pack who she had gotten off on the wrong paw had to be right there. Well, she was already close to the pools so she had to walk over anyway. Padding over reluctantly, she sent a few silent, expressionless glances at the older male as she inspected the water, gingerly dipping her paws into the warm spring. She remained quiet for once, curious to see if she would be welcome in his presence.
