



8 Years
02-24-2016, 03:25 PM

The man would watch as the child forced herself to hold still, proving to him one thing. If her parents were still alive they werent coming back. His question brought the young girl out of her curled up posistion, allowing him to see more of her, and from what he could see the blood coating her pelt was not her own. In uncurling her ears would pin to her head and her tail would tuck but within seconds her green orbs would be looking about wildly and her nose would be twiching. Did she smell something he couldn't? Just as quickly as Max had begun to worry she had layed eyes on the dead rabbit at his feat.

As if to grovel for a meal, the girl would crawl accross the ground twards him and giving a small whine. Her green eyes looked up at him and he could see the hunger she held in them. He was angry that anyone could leave such a young chiled out here alone and with no way to provide for themselves. Along with that hunger, fear still remained, and that two gave Maximous an idea of what might have happened to her and her family. Her question would draw his attention back to the rabbit, quietly he would push it toward her with his right fore paw. "Here, take it. I can always catch more." Slowly he could feel the need to take her home and care for her overwelm him.

She hadn't eaten in days, by her own admition she needed somone to take care of her. Pups had always been his weekness...along with a sertain woman he could never have, but that was besides the point. This girl was here now and she needed him, maybe even more than she knew she did.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)