
April 2013 OTM Nominations!


04-23-2013, 08:02 PM
wolf one ? CHRYSANTHE. i like how real chrysanthe is. this is totally going to contradict what i'm going to say about maverick, but i like that she isn't totally okay with how she's being treated and how she isn't hanging off of every word her brother/alpha says; she has her own mind. i like that she is loyal towards her family and loves them to pieces as well.

wolf two ? MAVERICK. i really like maverick because he is willing to do whatever it takes for his family and pack... like how this whole betrothing of he and chrysanthe was pretty much dumped on him and, despite his puppy love with epiphron, he accepted his fate.

wolf three ? VIRIDIANA. vi is a seductive sloot (sorry di XD i love it though!) and she doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. she's even willing to attempt to bang two adravendis, and i am so eager to watch the vi and collision thread unfold, lol.

OOC-Most likely to...
have the best art
make the most unique art
write the longest post ? dione
post more than ten times in a day ? souleater! the hell! she's always posting lol.
teach someone something ? frayer.. fray knows everything o_O
greet a new person ? lube would!
be a great staff member
be the funniest person

IC- Most likely to...
betray someone ? neo..again. lol.
be the cutest couple ? i'm going to predict that chrysanthe & mav will be awkwardly adorable :p
slap someone ? ---
rise in ranks ? marvel
become an alpha ? ---
survive a deathmatch ? newt, also.
fall ill ? cairo
save the day ? ---
have children ? morphine because she totally will i keep waiting for damn brina babies D<
cheat ? ---
get a mate ? ---
succeed ? gideon
take over the world ? valkis
teach someone something ? erani
win a war ? even though it'd undoubtedly be against tortuga where my chara is at, collision.
be a friend ? ---
get stolen by another pack ? neo