



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-24-2016, 01:46 PM

He didn't have to wait long before the first members began to appear. Seraphim arrived first and parted with a few words about the weather. ”Indeed it is,” he answered with a soft smile before his gaze was pulled away by the arrival of Birna. To her he dipped his head. ”Good morning, Birna.” After Birna came Angelus, Evangeline, Esti and the boy Lykos, who ran up to him with a grin on his face. ”Hello, Lykos.” Following Lykos was Felix and then Ashmedai. ”Of course,” he returned cryptically. And then there was Cascade who arrived with her usual flair. ”Hey, Cas.” Then came Mercy and Chaos, who burst onto the scene. ”Chaos!” he mimicked in a somewhat smaller voice. ”Come sit next to me.” After Chaos came Atreides, Hati and  Revenge, each earning a nod in greeting as Valentine sought eye contact. Rhythm entered the gathering place next and Valentine's grin grew. He returned her affectionate touch and his eyes trailed after her as she moved to sit down nearby, but his attention didn't have long to linger before Dagmaer bounded up with Integra in seemingly resigned pursuit. Then came came Rhyme, Rhys and Illie. To the last of these he said, ”Why don't you sit over here, Illie?” With a small jerk of his head he motioned towards Rhythm and Dagmaer. Lastly came Avalon and Dragon, the pair earning a nod in greeting.

Valentine waited a few more minutes to see if anyone else was going to make it before he decided to begin. Before he addressed the pack he leaned over Seraphim to speak to Angelus in a hushed voice. ”Your servus is your responsibility. See to it she remembers to attend future meetings.” His gaze then dropped to Cascade. She should have been able to hear him speak to Angel, so instead of repeating himself he simply gave her a significant look. How they chose to get attendance from their slaves was up to them.

Finally his gaze rose to take in those gathered. Speaking loudly so everyone could hear him, Valentine rumbled, ”Greetings and thank you all for gathering so quickly. I've got a couple of things I'd like to discuss today starting with this year's apprenticeships.” His eyes roved over Imperium's three puppies thoughtfully. ”Cascade will be paired with Dagmaer, Lykos with Mercy and Dragon with Esti.” Valentine looked at each teacher in turn. ”Don't take this responsibility lightly. You are helping to prepare our young ones for adulthood and hopefully giving them the skills they need to not only survive, but to thrive." He paused for a beat, then, ”I'd also like to pair each of our yearlings with a ranked member. My hope is that these mentorships will give our yearlings a glimpse into what life will be like once they too are ranked, as well as help them choose a career path if they haven't already. The pairs are as follows: Illume with Mercy, Rhys with Hati,” His daughter seemed comfortable enough with the Legionary. If anyone could withstand Hati's gruffness it would be Rhys. ”Rhyme with Avalon and Chaos with Birna.”

Having stood up at the start of the meeting Valentine slowly sat down again. ”The main thing I'd like to discuss today is raiding and so those of you under the age of one are free to leave if you don't wish to sit through the rest of the meeting.” He paused to give any youngsters who wanted to leave the chance to do so.  ”Now, we can hold meetings and training all day every day but practicing against friends isn't the same as going toe to toe with someone who has just as much to lose as you do. In my opinion Imperium has been too quiet. We stand above our neighbors supported largely by pomp and posture instead of deeds, instead of memorable, tangible shows of strength. I think it's time for a change, but I recognize that the change I propose will cost everyone here something, be it blood or worse, and so it is with that in mind I want to hear your thoughts on the subject. What I'm suggesting isn't a one time thing. If the support is there I want to make raiding a regular event.” The thought of raiding was an exciting one and Valentine had to force himself to remain seated, otherwise he would have stood and paced in anticipation. ”Now, what say you? I want to hear your opinions, both for and against the idea, and I want target suggestions if you have them.”

OOC: Next round is due March 3rd. I want a post from every member old enough to participate (yearlings and up) in a raid. Valentine will dismiss those not interested shortly.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.