
Captivate me



6 Years
03-04-2016, 01:44 AM

She had never felt so appreciated in her life, not by anyone who wasnt related to her anyway. Everything Soleil did seemed to bring joy to her new found friend's features. Her voice, her smile even the way her shoulders and neck filled with tension as he had pranced around her with the water lilly gently grasped in his powerful jaws seemed to light up his eyes with delighted appreciation.

The flower he had taken the time to place on her head just so, was beautiful.  She had told him as much be she wasnt sure if he had understood as she hadn't understood what he had said. She wanted to know what he was saying, what he was thinking and as if he could read her thoughts he made another attempt at her language.

The first thought that crossed her mind was that he was making good guesses and that she would do what ever it took to break this damnd language barrier between them. The next thought was that she was glad her face was covered in fur because she could feel her cheeks warm at his compliment. No one but her mother had ever called her beautiful because, to her, those she seduced to get her way didnt count.

Without ever realizing it before now, Soleil had already begun teaching him her language. That fact only determined her more as Xeph streached his neck out to feel the soft fur on her cheek againced his nose. Again the tri-colored woman could feel her face warm at his touch only to have the sensation taken away all too quickly. It was in that moment that she saw the brute as something that could and might very well end up being more than just a friend.

Another smile would cross her face at the dopey look he was giving her. Before she could change her mind, Soleil would quickly lean forward to plant a kiss on the end of the man's nose where he'd touched her. "Votre très beau vous, Xeph." she would say he was pretty handsome himself before ganing a bit of a dopey look herself