
Go ahead, make my day [M]



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
02-24-2016, 05:10 PM

A choked gasp followed by a cry of pain reached Sabine's ears as her attacks landed. Ah, the sounds of success. It was a pity that she'd only managed to sink a tooth into one of his eyes, but perhaps she'd have better luck next time. The eye socket she'd managed to hook didn't feel quite right, and while she didn't know what to make of it, there wasn't time to ponder the weirdness of it.

Her upright positioning was precarious but with the holds she'd achieved Sabine was willing to risk it. Even with her balance easily influenced by her opponent the giantess believed she still had the upper hand. It was for that reason that she attempted to keep her grip on Ehrgeiz's face while worsening the damage by biting down harder and violently thrashing her head from side to side. In doing this she hoped that her upper left canine would drive deeper into her opponent's left eye socket while the remainder of her teeth, which would hopefully still be embedded in his left brow and upper left cheek, would do irreversible harm to his facial muscles. [counter to Ehrgeiz's bite; see notes below for reasoning]

Sabine also wished to keep her grip on his neck. The placement of her forelegs wasn't where she'd originally hoped, but by holding onto her opponent Sabine would hopefully be able to steady herself and somewhat make up for her two-legged stance. Ehrgeiz's movements had resulted in her originally gaining a hold around the midway point of his neck and it was there that Sabine wished to keep her forelegs. Nothing changed; she hoped her left foreleg maintained its positioning on the right side of his neck and her right foreleg maintained its positioning on the left side of his neck with her forepaws crossed at the wrist behind his neck.

Ehrgeiz shoved forward into the middle of Sabine's chest and forced the giantess to back up a single step with each hind paw to counteract the shove and keep herself upright. A mild bruise would later blossom along the point of contact. Sabine sought immediate retaliation. She slammed forward and downward, hoping her height and weight advantage would aid her in bullying her opponent to the ground (either straight down or over backwards depending on how his balance was with his forelegs tucked against his chest) as she not only sought to shove him, but drop her weight onto him. The giantess was hoping the entirety of her chest would once again strike the entire middle portion of Ehrgeiz's neck. In addition to shoving him to the ground Sabine was once again hoping to choke the brute by pressing on his trachea.

Now more than ever Sabine's balance was crucial to her success. It was for this reason that she made sure to do all that was necessary to remain balanced. Her knees remained bent just enough to add a springy looseness to the joints, her paws were still placed slightly wider than hip width apart, her hind toes were splayed and her nails stretched downward to cling to the dirt. Sabine kept her tail parallel to the ground, her muscles tensed and her back held ramrod straight. Her hackles remained bristled and continued to occupy the length and width of her back. In case he managed to break free Sabine kept her ears flattened, her eyes closed and her lips curled to bunch the skin along her muzzle and around her eyes.

Round TWO of THREE

NOTE: I've listed Sabine's attempt to keep her bite/worsen the damage as a counter because if she's successful in keeping her grip, the thrashing of her head would likely disrupt Ehrgeiz's attempt to bite.

[Image: bK4cZNp.png]