
Little Talks [M]

Mercy I


5 Years

02-25-2016, 12:14 AM

A velveteen chuckle left her lips at his mention of lacking an ironic name. Shoulders shrugged in an elegant way, moving up and down slower than usual. Oh, she knew what she was doing. The movement made her muscles ripple across her upper back, her scars flashing in the pale light. Had he even noticed her impressive v like scar before, or was he too taken away by her pretty looks? She smirked at her own joke, attention drawn back to him as he rumbled. Ah, so he was used to easy prey, wasn't he? "I'm afraid I won't be as easy as your other prey, dearest. As you already know, I bite back... hard," she whispered, snapping her jaws together to make her point. Yes, she adored to bite, to draw blood. It made her body tingle with anticipation at the mere thought, blood running hot in her veins. Yes, she had a very fucked up way of showing her admiration. Thankfully, Gethin didn't mind, as least that's what she gathered from their first meeting. There was still a lot that she didn't know about this man, nor did she care to hear his life story. They connected on a different level, a much more... basic level. Primal, hungry. Purple eyes sparkled, her claws digging into the ground as a delicate shiver worked its way down her spine.

A sly laugh left her lips as he growled yet again. She could almost feel the tension crackling between them, a heat that was only burning hotter. He obviously wasn't used to being teased, and how Mercy adored torturing her prey before she took a bite. Knowing this, she tried to push her chest against his, shifting her limbs so that she could raise her left front leg. Ever so slowly she dragged her paw down his front right leg, aiming her paw so that her claws would be the only thing teasing his skin. Eyelashes fluttered with innocence, but her smile spoke of things not so soft. "I think fun is to gentle of a word," she mused softly, head tilting up slightly as she thought. "The direction that we are heading has a lot more destruction in its path. That is... if you could handle it." Using both her body and her words to egg him on, it was clear that Mercy was an expert in this dance. A single lack marked brow rose expectantly, waiting for some sort of retaliation.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.