
Lost in the crowd



4 Years
02-25-2016, 01:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2016, 01:47 AM by Varda.)

If the Archangel wished to ask her where the rest of Threar was, she wouldn't be able to provide an answer. To her knowledge, her family had abandoned her. She had searched wide and far for them with little success other than her miraculous encounter with Miksa. Although she knew of Abaven, led by her cousin, it hadn't occurred to her some of her family would relocate there. Why hadn't they come searching for her? Why did they just leave her? Did they forget? No, she told herself, inwardly shaking her head. Family don't forget about each other.

Her features visibly relaxed when the older woman explained her daughter's current knowledge in hunting. Yes, that helped a lot. It seemed group hunts and hunting larger prey were the key areas to focus on. Fortunately, those were Varda's favourite fields in hunting. She loved working as a team, and the more wolves, the bigger prey they would be able to bring down. "Alright," she said with a thankful nod. "I've got an idea what to teach her. Thank you."

Alabaster ears perked as the leader continued to speak, stating she was the only hunter in Celestial. Really? Was she the only hunter? My, she didn't pay attention. Confusion flashed across her complexion when the silver woman mentioned something about her calls for hunts. Wait, was she organising hunts now? Was she a Master Hunter already? "So I'm leading hunts?" she clarified, still quite surprised by the news. Surely she wouldn't be a Master Hunter already, not when she was so new to the pack. No-one had even seen her hunting yet!
