
These Lands Are Your Lands



7 Years
02-25-2016, 12:21 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2016, 12:21 PM by Amalia.)

Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

She was still pondering what to do when she heard a soft yip. Coloured head reared up, and blue eyes grew wide. Amalia laid there in awe as a massive, star speckled wolf came towards her. She had never quite seen colours like this before, not in anything besides her dreams. Jaw opened and hung slightly slacked, looking way, way up when he stood in front of her. Holy crap. Her neck was stretched all the way up, and he was still blocking out her light. Scrambling to her paws as if to get bigger, like that was possible, she let out a soft meep. He was like a freaking tree! He was taller than some trees she had seen. Amalia was pretty much shocked into silence, never before had she felt quite so small. "I'm a bug..." she whispered out loud, not realizing that the words had left her mouth. Heat flushed under her russet face, gaze lowering bashfully. That is when she noticed his paws. Slowly she stepped forward, lifting and pressing her tiny paw on top of his own. It looked like a white freckle on his paw, like she was one of the stars on his bodice. That is when her body melted, a burst of giggles erupting from the tiny woman. "You could just fit me all on your paw!" she exclaimed, before stretching her neck all the way up.

The giant beast introduced himself as Mithras, and that he was alpha of these lands. Her head dipped slightly, and she committed the pack name to memory. They must be rather new, she had been here a few seasons ago and there was no one here. Plus there was no way that he could ever be missed, even with all the tall grasses here. "Pleasure, Mithras. My name is Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias, but don't worry, you don't have to remember it all," she said with a small laugh knowing that her full name was quite the mouthful. "As for my business here, I am sorry that was laying at your borders. This place used to be one of the biggest herb collecting places for me, even more so in the winter when snow coats the east. This is the only place where I can find fenugreek, among some other herbs that don't grow in my area," she explained slowly, sitting down so that she could look all the way up at him. Darn it all, she was going to have a crick in her neck after this encounter. "You see, I am a member of the pack Fiori. I am the head healer, in fact." Ama said with a smile, her tiny rabbit tail giving a few wags.

The tiny woman had to lower her neck for a second, shaking out her already sore neck. "I would have noticed a pack of giants in my travels here, you must be new to this area," she mused, lifting her red head up towards him again. "Is everyone in Agread as tall as you? I cannot say that I have met someone of your height, or looks for that matter. You look like you were plucked right out the starts! But I bet you get tired of hearing that, eh?" She asked, eyes sparkling with humor. She knew what it was like, she was also told about her height often. It was for sure the opposite of this giant wolf, he had to be at least twenty inches taller than her. He was easily twice the height of her mate, who others also found humorous. Athena was eleven inches taller than herself, she could curl up right at her belly and fit nicely. Now, she could stand on Mithras' shoulders and he wouldn't even feel her minuscule weight. She could probably ride on his paws too!