While Shepherds Watched their Flocks
02-25-2016, 12:08 PM
Sparrow listened closely to her aunt. She produced a fuzzy plant. Sparrow knew that one by Bunny's Ear, but it was also called Mullein or Hag Taper? The young wolf listened to the details of the plant and what it could treat and how it would be used to treat such symptoms. She didn't know some plants only flowered in their second year. That was... kind of cool! Harmony mentioned getting closer to the pack members and knowing how they reacted to herbs. Sparrow wondered how she could do that. Maybe she would be making house calls. Finally, Harmony mentioned that in a pinch it can be chewed. Sparrow nodded, it was always good to be able to just eat plants when they were really needed. As nice as it sounded to make teas, Sparrow often wondered if she would have time to treat such an ailment or if it would just be easier and as effective to administer it dried.