
On the Long Way Down



9 Years
02-25-2016, 07:54 PM

He would notice the subtle flick of her ears as she trained in on his voice. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever heard an accent quite like his. It seemed to surprise most, Surreal certainly had, since it hadn't been an accent he'd been born with. He'd picked up certain traits when he'd moved with his family. He supposed it had been just him adapting, though at this point he was quite fond of it. He wouldn't trade it for the world.

"That's a very cheery way to think of it. I guess it does feel pretty nice out today. I'd appreciate some water though. I haven't been able to find a single drop around here. Although it's very possible I've been walking past rain puddles and just not noticed them. That's happened before. Still water is a lot harder to find than rivers and streams and the like. At least they make noise."

His mind repeated her words over and over in his head and it finally dawned on him. She was blind. He felt like such an idiot for not realizing it sooner. He'd seen the way she looked at him, though it almost looked like she didn't focus directly at him, just looked in his direction. Now her comments about walking past rain puddles and then saying rivers and streams at least made noise... it made sense now!

It also made him feel guilty for her plight though. This was probably one of the worst places to get stuck in for a blind wolf. The lack of any real water sources must have been frustrating. Even for him he'd had a rough go at it so far. He hadn't found any water sources, but he was hoping he could find one soon. He was a bit thirsty himself.

"Anyway, I'm Kalliope, but I usually go by Kalli. Who might you be?"

"Ah'm Creed. 'Tis a pleasure ta mee' ye Kalli." He paused for a moment before deciding to offer his help. "Care ta join me ta see if we can find some water?" If so he'd at least get the chance to ask her some more questions. He was feeling quite nosy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]