
Caerul,Alsander, and Claire Progeny on the rise!



7 Years
02-25-2016, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2016, 08:25 PM by Surreal.)

One: If you have adopted from me before, but have either left the site before and returned them to me, or set them inactive and I recalled them from you, I am not going to re-adopt to you again. Particularly if a second chance was given and you set them inactive again. Do not push, and do not pester or heckle me about this.

Two: I reserve the right to take back characters I have adopted out if no activity has been made IC with them in a full month of time. (I.E: Last post was made on June 1st, and it is now July 1st with no activity in between.) I will brook no arguments with this. Sometimes you have to be the bad cop. Believe me, I can check for activity in their recent posts. OOC posts will not count as activity in my eyes.

Three: I expect a post a week at least with characters I have adopted out to you. That is just one post per week, three per month. It’s not that hard to do. I want to see them active, regardless of how my own activity is going.

Four: No characters or their designs that I have adopted out may be used on other roleplay sites, and any art made for them, either by myself or anyone else, if any must remain on Alacritis/ Ardent unless I have given my express permission. If I find this rule has been ignored and broken, I will take the character back to adopt out to someone who will obey this simple rule. These designs are Alacritis/Ardent-Only. End of Story.

Five: Lastly, any applications posted as Works In Progress will be ignored if they have not been finished by the end of one real life week (Seven Days). This is final. If you do not feel that you will finish a WIP application within this time period, please, do not post an application in the first place. For those who do, and truly wish to apply, please remember to fill in all fields in the Application form.

Thank you!

*Smiles pleasantly.* Now that we are clear, lets meet them and hear their story:

Sons and Daughters of Alsander, Caerul and Claire! That’s right. You heard me. The missing Cormalin kids siblings hooked up with mates, far away, and had kids. Plenty of ‘em. And now, they’re coming to Alacritia.
They will have an Irish Gaelic inner family name: Meaning the Irish name is usually used as a nickname. They must also be fluent in Irish Gaelic (Or the Old Tongue as those IC call it.)

Caerul eventually wandered away to a new land, a short amount of time before Valhalla fell in the last challenge, either swept away in a storm, or swimming. He found a lovely lady, Arianna. And between them came three litters of four. In all, six brothers and six sisters. They are listed below in order of birth.

The Brothers: Vale, Alshain, Lance, Thorn, Tristan, Dagger

The Sisters: Sonata, Aria, Acapella, Melody, Ode, Sonnet

In Sequence of Births:

L1: Thorn, Sonata, Lance, Melody.
L2: Aria, Vale, Alshain, Acapella
L3: Tristan, Dagger, Ode, Sonnet

The oldest litter is around 2-3 years of age The youngest litter, 1 year.

They will have an Irish Gaelic inner family name: Meaning the Irish name is usually used as a nickname. They must also be fluent in Irish Gaelic (Or the Old Tongue as those IC call it.)

They are Lawful Good down to Neutral Good, and will be unlikely to drop below Neutral. They have had loving parents from birth, and have heard all the stories about their grandfather and great aunt, Valhalla, and their aunt and uncles. So they will be unlikely to not want to find this family they’ve been told so much about.

Both parents were healthy in all ways, and their mother had good, strong pregnancies all three times; these wolves will be healthy, ranging from 30” to 39” (if the adopters don’t mind purchasing extra inches). Mental instability will be highly unlikely, unless being a genius is somehow a flaw ;P

Links in names.

Litter 1

Litter 2
Acapella Played by Bluetick

Litter 3
Dagger Played by Shrapnel

Claire disappeared during Chrysanthe’s reign of Valhalla, wandering away to prove that she was tough enough to make it on her own without her lovingly protective older brothers.On her own, she found more than just self proof. A handsome male by the name of Regent. Together, they have produced three litters. The first Litter was made up of five pups; three girls, two boys. The second litter, only four graced the world. Two boys, two girls. The third litter, two pups, twin boys. In all, five girls, six boys.
The eldest Litter will be around 3-4 years, born in Spring (Claire’s birth season was Winter), the twins being yearlings.

The Boys: Czar, Reginold, Dolphis, Timber, Stark, Smoke

The Girls: Clarion, Charity, Eclipse, Grace, Charisma

In order of births:

L1: Dolphis, Charity, Eclipse, Czar, Clarion.
L2: Grace, Reginold, Charisma, Smoke.
L3: Timber, Stark.

Heights will range from 29” to 40” (Regent was a very large fellow, with lines full of big, strapping wolves, so it’s not unlikely some of his sons might have inherited the size… Poor Claire)
Claire was small, built for running and hunting. Regent was large, built for fighting, broad-chested, handsome ;P
Like the rest of the family, it’s unlikely they will be any lower than Neutral, and very likely that they will be Lawful Good.
Claire was sound of mind, other than being stubborn and reckless, and Regent was sound of mind, so these characters are unlikely to have mental problems.


Litter 1
Charity *Goes to correct design now! :D

Litter 2

Litter 3

Alsander was swept away in a storm midway through the first year of Surreal’s first litter’s lives (Regulus, Zuriel, Faite), and lost upon a far shore of a distant land. To his amazement, instead of finding a way home, he found an old flame, Io Sovari. Between them, they had one small litter, twins, Triton and Ganymede - a boy and girl; however, Alsander is none the wiser of it, after yet another catastrophe tore him and Io apart once more. Bereft, believing her dead, he wandered, and came upon an old Valhallan packmate, Ashtoreth Adravendi. They sparked, bringing forth one litter of four before Alsander’s growing age rendered him sterile. The four children of the two, three sons, one daughter, were naturally told all about their family, the history of Valhalla, as best as they both knew, with Ashtoreth’s prior knowledge and both parent’s knowledge of how Erani reigned, and of Surreal’s plans to revive the pack once more.

Iosander Litter pair: Triton is the firstborn, Ganymede being born twenty minutes later.

Ashtsander Litter: Order of birth: Luminaire, Chance, Ashtorei, Fortune

The Girl: Fortune
The Boys: Chance, Luminaire, Ashtorei


Iosander's Twins
Designs in the works.

Ashander Litter
Ashtorei *Note Ashtoreth's male minimeee*

Eventually, the three family units ended up together, the siblings reunited. Eventually, all the children would disperse, back to Alacritia, to find the family left behind, and leave their parents in happy retirement.

Iosander’s kids were born with Io, who tried to raise them to the best of her ability. As they reached a year old, Io grew ill and died. leaving her twins to the world. They will likely have heard about their father, whom she believed lost in the catastrophe, and will likely have been raised to Neutral/Lawful Good. Their drive to find the father’s half of the family won’t be as strong as the rest of the adopts, and alliances will be wider ranged, but please, no evils :P

If I recall correctly, the Sovari family had a wider range of possibility for mental instability. However, Io was one of the lighter aligned members of the family, and if I remember correctly, she was only ever affected by amnesia during one of the site weather/cataclysmic events. She was a skilled healer, so these children will likely have been taught a lot of what she knew.

Now, as a whole, I would like to see most of these characters to go to Celestial at some point. The Iosander children do not have to, however.

And now!

So! Now that you've met and seen our friends here, who do you want to take home with you? Please, fill out the form below!

[b]Name:[/b] who are you wishing to apply for?
[b]Alignment:[/b] Nothing below Neutral.
[b]Appearance Description:[/b] 200+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining characteristics (new scars?)
[b]Personality Description:[/b] Again, 200+ words of original, detailed description. Any quirks?
[b]Plans:[/b] What do you plan to do with the character you want?
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] 200+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh <3
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.