
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are



5 Years
02-25-2016, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2016, 01:52 AM by Lior.)

Lior had left Donostrea, no less worse for wear and perhaps a little more sad than her appearance lead to believe. She had left Anais and her sister's daughters to head back down to her brothers and live with them. The excitement of finally leave had gotten to her as she had almost made it to the Fjords territory before she stopped. The season had changed. Summers heat radiated from the sun, and Lior's own seasonal curse had come with the vile temperature. Her brothers were males, males that had lived a heavily rogue'd life, or at least she liked to think. Her presence would only add agitation and questions as to why she wasn't in the pack with her sister and she didn't quite feel like bullshitting them on her reasons and the truth of what she had really been doing the past year.

And so with a bit of wanderlust and persuasion from what remained of her heat clouded mind she wandered to the northeast against her better logic. Keep out of her brothers lives until summer had passed. Lior's journey had almost brought her to Ebony's border before she swung east. She was more north than she could've possibly traveled in her life as an adult. With a bound the she wolf crested the ridge and gazed across the territory, the sun shining upon her back. The mountains in the distance held some promise to keep her wanderlust in check. Although the large rocks before her would be a nice detour in her journey. There was probably plenty of mice darting around that she could snack on and escape the sun beneath the shadows of the stone pillars. With an optimistic step forward Lior pressed forward in her journey, a wave of her tail carrying the scent of her season with the downdraft that rose over the ridge.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]