
Caerul,Alsander, and Claire Progeny on the rise!



9 Years
02-26-2016, 12:52 AM
Name: Dagger
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance Description: To start off with Dagger is probably going to be one of the tallest creatures you ever meet. While he isn't Dire wolf status he still is incredibly massive. He stands a sturdy 42 inches to the shoulder and has a very thick build. He weighs 215 and looks very much like the wolf equivalent of a tank. There is absolutely nothing slender about this boy ranging from the broad shoulders, thick skull and neck, long sturdy legs, wide hips, filled out belly, and ginormous paws. One look at him will leave you hoping he doesn't get the urge to sit on you. While his muscles won't fully grow in until two years of age, Dagger still is quite huge. His size and only accented by the short pelt he has as the majority of his muscles can be seen rippling under a shiny coat.

While he may be large there still are other defining characteristics about the boy. The first thing other's may notice is the healthy sheen to his coat. While others may not care about how soft their pelts are, Dagger brags about his. It's silky to the touch, and while short, feels amazing to burrow into. The thickest parts of his pelt are his neck, the beginning of his chest, and his tail fur.

The feel of his fur isn't the only thing nice about him though. Dagger sports a rather dark pelt, the darkest being charcoal gray, that covers the majority of his body. The lightest color is a very soft gray that coats a portion of his face, his chest, his stomach, down his front legs, the inside of his back legs, and the very front of his back legs. The light color of gray is interrupted by splotches that look like someone took a wet paintbrush with paint on it and just dabbed him with it over and over. Mostly darker grays with some medium gray cover his face where the light gray is. Dark splotches cover his front legs and right hind leg, while the left hind leg is almost completely barren of any splotches. Where the charcoal and light gray meet along his stomach a medium gray speckles his stomach, and lower down on the light gray portion of his stomach gray speckles in a random tandem. Medium gray resides on the end of his tail and the last markings he has are arrow-like markings over the top of his eyes and on the backside of both markings are three perfect dots. Last but not least, Dagger as an unusual set of eyes. His left eye starts out as a piercing blue and then changes to a darker blue farther away from the pupil. His right eye starts out as a dark blue and then turns into a lighter purple-y blue farther away from the pupil.

The last things that stand out about him are the few scars that dot his pelt. Though he hasn't really gotten into any fights, there is a set of three claw marks along the front of his nose from where he accidentally went into a badger den and the mother badger attacked him. Thankfully he was able to be saved before too much damage was dealt, but he still holds the scars.
Personality Description: Dagger, by all means, is absolutely a handful to be around if you aren't used to him. First and foremost the boy is an absolute hot head and any little thing that gets under his skin is enough to set him off. He's by no means polite when angered so if you don't like being insulted it's probably best not to be around him, or anger him in the first place. Dagger tends to be a little rude at times and doesn't always think before he opens his mouth, so if he offends someone it's not always intentional and he'll feel immensely sorry for it. Dagger can also be very polite. While he sometimes has a potty mouth he was also raised to be a gentleman, even though it requires so effort on his part, so he can be quite polite when he realizes he needs to. He has complete and utter respect for his elders and anyone in authority over him in his own pack and family. While he sometimes may challenge that it's very far and few in-between.

While he obviously has some personality flaws Dagger is still a very faithful creature. Anyone he cares about is sure to have him through thick and thin. Fights, advice (probably a bad idea), traveling buddy, you name it and he'd most likely do it for you. He's a pretty friendly guy, a bit goofy and immature at times (due to his age), but he's fun to be around. He's very easy to get along with (unless you press his buttons) and there's not too many he can't befriend if he's in a good mood. He also tends to be that joker who likes to try and lighten up the mood with a corny joke in tense situations. That or he does something stupid to make everyone laugh. '

He's very self driven, even at a young age, and wants nothing more than to do well for himself. He strives to be the best he can be and rise within whatever rank he can obtain. He intends to be the best of the best and he'll do whatever it takes to prove it. Competition does nothing but fuel the boy and while his motives are a bit selfish they're also quite pure. While he wants to do well for himself he also wants to help benefit the pack in whatever way he can which means he do his best and beyond.
Plans: Go to Celestial and ultimately be a badass.
Roleplay Sample: He was still young, not more than a season and a half old, and yet he was all for getting into all the trouble and going on all the adventures he could. His parents were sleeping, he'd triple checked, so he crept silently from the den doing what he could to remain quiet. It wasn't until he escaped the den that he let himself become reckless with excitement. A laugh of pure glee bubbled past his lips as he ran recklessly away from the den. There was so much he could do and so much to see! Of course little did he know that his father had indeed noticed his disappearance shortly after he'd left.

Course Dagger was already well on his way into exploring. He spent the next few minutes sniffing around as he slowed his pace to explore better. Everything was so beautiful ranging from the sight and scents of flowers and the towering heights of the trees! Song birds sung in the trees and squirrels chattered above him, wondering what mischief a lone wolf pup could be causing.

One particular scent caught his attention though. He didn't know it, he'd never smelled it before or seen the creature it belonged to, but it was the scent of a badger and her babies. The mother was nowhere to be found, but the three babies were there. He eagerly bounded over to them, instantly going into a play bow to invite them to come wrestled with him, but that definitely wasn't going to happen. Out of nowhere a creature came hurtling towards him and it swiped at him in a fury. Pain radiated across his nose and when he inhaled blood went with it. A loud yelp escaped from him as he cried. That hurt! He could see a paw waving at him for a second go but before he knew it he was off the ground. Had he died already and was an angel and could fly? No that didn't see quite right. So he twisted his head to look around and he was surprised to see his father had followed him! Originally he would have been upset by that, but this time it was a blessing. His nose smarted and at this point he was no longer in the mood to explore. He just wanted to go home and let his parents lick his nose and sleep.
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