
new heights achieved



7 Years

02-26-2016, 11:20 AM

Bass listened to Lillie's words, allowing her to explain her standpoint. He did not interrupt her, and at the end of her words he let out a sigh. He hoped that he had not shown this favoritism in his members, he would like to think that he was impartial to this. This is the reason that Harmony had called all the young ones together though, was it not? Pushing passed that, he settled on his rump and curled his tail around him. "Regardless of your thoughts, that was not your call to make. It would have been my decision to call the pack together. You made Raba think that we were under attack, and you stepped on my toes by thinking that its up to you to call everyone together. The reason why Sparrow called for just family, is because Harmony is our most skilled healer, I am her father and alpha, and her siblings have been out there the most looking for her. It doesn't mean that I did not want everyone to know, but I would have liked to be able to assess the situation before you decided upon yourself to call to everyone else," He shook his head slowly, trying to gather all of his thoughts before moving on. "Sparrow may have been the first to speak up, but do you not have a voice as well? If she was making false statements, you could have easily spoken up and corrected her. I would have not argued it, I would have welcomed any and all information. Perhaps Sparrow was just trying to take charge of the situation. Starling could have spoken up as well, but instead you both sulked off like children," he said, trying to be as gentle as possible. Bass felt like he was talking in circles, and he tried to put two and two together. So he fell silent, seeing what she had to say in reply to that before moving on.
