
Oh little rain cloud...


04-23-2013, 08:58 PM

Temporary, everything was temporary... Emotions, life, time, love, hate. You list it, it's there. His head in his massive paws felt heavier than usual, with all of the dramatic events that had happened recently. And no matter where he went, he couldn't get away from his demons. Even hundreds of miles away, over mountains and across the great sea from where he was birthed. His golden eyes peered down into the crystal water and he sighed, the air from the exhale rippling the water as the rush finally reached it. He inhaled and shut his eyes. Things were going to great the first pack meeting since he had decided to return to Valhalla. He found love, had puppies due in mere days, but things were just off. He wasn't even sure he wanted to be alive right now. Erani, his one and only love was so down, he couldn't even bare to be around her for the last few days. the grief in her eyes, her lying smile... He was so ashamed of himself, no matter what he did it seemed, he couldn't lift her spirits. So he was giving up for the night. Tomorrow, another day closer to his effort a few short months ago, would be thrown into the world, a cruel terrible world with a monster for a father. His mind stabbed at him again, again, and again. He forced himself to take a nap, a very short one, so he could return home not too late to his love. He wondered what she thought about his late returns home. He knew she thought him faithful, since he smelled of no others. Just wondered. But what did it matter? His train of thought ceased as the sweet caress of darkness and sleep dominated his scattered mind. He regretted it immediately, his heart did at least, for in his mind, his sins waged war against his conscience. The war machines of guilt, self loathing, and sorrow, wracking his fragile peace that Erani and his new life had come to, falling boulders of agony, wreaked havoc upon his hopelessly fitful sleep.