
an icebound wonder



4 Years
02-26-2016, 08:04 PM

Integra pondered the older healers questions. "I usually skim fat from our kills and mash the berries into it with my claws on a rock or piece of bark but it takes patience. I'm sure there must be a more efficient way. When I store it I keep it in the darker, cooler areas of my storage den, usually wrapped in leaves though I've never known it to keep too well." She wrinkled her nose a bit. The fat tended to go rancid far sooner than she liked. "Imperium is a large pack, we have to hunt frequently to keep everyone fed so a fresh supply isn't a terrible concern."

Harmony offered her advice in picking off the berries and Integra would nod, stretching herself up and carefully snipping off a few twigs with berries. She made herself a neat little pile between her front paws before grinning at Harmony. "It's alright, I should be fine. If I need to fight I can always drop the herbs then gather them back up after I kick the ass of whoever was dumb enough to attack me." Juniper berries were hardy and would hold up fine to being dropped. Her ears would perk forward at the mention of making a bag. "Oh, that's a neat idea Harmony!" This ol' gal was certainly creative! Integra found herself really enjoying the others company, it was nice to talk with another healer who had a different perspective and knowledge to share…. shame Integra wasn't higher ranking, she'd be tempted to take Harmony home with her.

"I'm afraid I don't have any good ideas. I was thinking pine resin maybe but I don't know if it will still bind the hide when it dries. It might make for a delicate bag." It was an interesting thought, something to ponder over for sure. "Now where is that wintergreen…." Integra gathered up her bundle of juniper fronds delicately in her mouth as she set off hunting for their next quarry. After what seemed forever Integra's effort was finally rewarded. She smelt the plant before she could see it. Often she found this was the case, her nose failed her far less than her eyes. As she followed the distinct scent she soon came to a patch of it resting in the shade of a patch of evergreens. The small little plant bloomed with stiff fronds of shiny green leaves, white buds just beginning to appear. "Harmony! Over here!" She called to the other woman and grinned down at the plant. "This is probably a better plant to gather near the fall when there are berries to pick from but now that we know the patch is here we can come back." Hopefully, it would be left undisturbed.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]