
Second Chances



5 Years
02-27-2016, 12:47 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto carried the plants outside of the den and set them down at a distance from it. Her nose wrinkled and she made a face as she licked her lips, and unable to stand being near them she stepped back. This was not like her. The scents of herbs and medicinal plants were typically soothing and comforting to her, reminding her of her chosen craft and everything that she had so far learned, everything that she could do. It was absolutely absurd to think that she suddenly could not stand the smell of them, though she had a sneaking suspicion why.

She had tried to keep it to herself, but after a tense moment of "I told you so" with Belladonna the cat had figured it out. The damned feline was just too observant, and apparently knew her better than Callisto had originally suspected. The black and grey healer tried to avoid the cat as much as possible because of it, not wanting to be reminded everywhere she went, but the slippery little annoyance was hard to shake, especially when she had something that so piqued her interest.

Which currently was the fact they had both concluded Callisto was pregnant.

"Are you going to tell him?"

Tilting her head back, the wolf peered upward into the closest tree and spotted the scrawny little black cat curled up on one of the lower branches, staring down at her. Callisto frowned. "He doesn't need to know yet," she answered, evading an actual answer to the question. How could she tell him she was pregnant when she was supposed to be out of season? How could she plant the idea of children in his head when she was not even sure she wanted anymore? I did so well the first time, she thought bitterly.

Her stomach rolled again, and retreating another few steps away from the plants Calli sat down, closed her eyes, and breathed. It can all be over if I just take those plants, she reminded herself. She had failed her first litter anyway, solidifying the fact she was horrible mother material. And yet some small voice in the back of her mind, perhaps some optimistic part that had somehow been planted there by her lucky charm, Jakart, saw it as a second chance. I can do things right this time. Give these ones the life the first pups didn't get to have. Could she, really?

Callisto sighed heavily and opened her pale eyes, feeling confused, lost, and sick to her stomach.