
These Lands Are Your Lands



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-27-2016, 10:37 AM

The female was, admittedly, quite smaller than he. She was dwarfed by his substantial mass, and luckily she seemed more amused than afraid. In fact, her light-hearted comments forced a grin to crack across his face. "I'm a friendly giant, I swear," he said with a warm laugh. She would introduce herself as Amalia Jane Adra-whatsit-what, and she must have noticed the confusion on his face as he tried to run through it one more time, and took pity on him. She went on to say that his lands were prime for herb collection, and that she herself was- OHMYGOODNESS! He gasped, ears perking and eyes going wide. "You're a healer?!" he exclaimed, overtaken by excitement. "Amalia, you are the answer to my prayers. Could I beg a lesson of you? We were hit hard by the flooding this spring, and we lack a prominent healer among us." He didn't wan't to sound overly pathetic to a wolf from another pack but their need was very real. He could sacrifice a slice of pride for the well being of his followers. He only hoped that Amalia would agree.

In fact, he was so wrapped up in getting her assistance her accidentally ignored the rest of her questioning. Instead he pressed on with plying his case, bullheaded and full of hopeful exuberance. "I'd love to learn, personally, and I'm sure there are plenty of others in the pack who would want to give it a try. Name your price, it's yours." He hoped she would be amiable, but he also recognized that that was probably a long shot. But hey, a wolf could hope, right?

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!