



5 Years
02-27-2016, 08:53 PM
It was so tempting to try and just snatch his prize away and try to escape with it. She was so hungry that the thought plagued her mind, trying to convince her to do it. She wouldn't she knew it would be the sure end of her. Sure this large male had been kind so far, but he was much bigger then her and could easily kill her and in her weakened state she was sure she wouldn't be able to escape. The male continued to be kind as he pushed the rabbit towards her and gave her the okay. He had also stated he would be able to catch more which stuck in her mind. Quickly she moved over to the rabbit and dug in, trying to refrain herself from eating to fast. She was starving, but her mother always told her to never eat to fast or your meal would not set well. As she ate the male's words again came to her mind and she thought things over as she enjoyed her meal. Her mother was going to teach her to hunt and told her many times that she would when she was old enough, but now that her mother was gone who would teach her. Without the knowledge of how to hunt or a body to provide for her she knew it would mean death for her.

She didn't know this male, but so far had proved to be no threat at all. She could even sense that he wasn't going to be a threat to her. She didn't know him, but the feeling was strong and perhaps the desperation was playing a large part in it to. Maybe she could tag along with him or maybe he would even be willing to care for her on a longer term. It wouldn't hurt to ask at least and if he wasn't, well she would have to think of something else. She didn't want to die because death scared her so she had to try and survive and remember what little her mother had time to teach her.

It wasn't long before she was feeling full and she began to relax more her body starting to feel a little better now that she had some food in it. Pushing the rabbit away her bright green eyes looked back up to the male, curiosity now shining brightly within them.

"Thanks mister, that feels much better," she claimed with a small smile and a wag of her fluffy tail. "I'm Delaney, what's your name."
[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]