
The long road home to you



6 Years
Extra large
02-27-2016, 08:56 PM
The wedding hadn't yet come about – with the birthing of Voltage's children and then the world they had all put into cleaning up the beach, it had somehow gotten delayed. He didn't truly want to wait, and he imagined and he imagined Voltage and the party loving members of their family where eager for this wedding to happen.

Then there was the trouble Ray had caused of late, through after his lecture to both her and Mortar things seemed to have calmed down for the moment. Speaking of the youngster... that was yet another thing he needed to discuss with his lightning litter mate. Glacier was in an oddly fantastic mood. There was no trace of the darkness that had shadowed him for the months past. He had Anais, his children, he was surrounded by his pack. The beach was returned to them, they had a wedding to look forward! More children of Voltage and Gaia to cherish and love. The clouds of the things he wished not to dwell on couldn't touch him in the moment.

He hummed as he strolled along the beach, admiring the handiwork of what their pack had accomplished working in unison. It wasn't long until he was at Voltage's den. With the little youngest too young to be left on their own it was an easy guess that he would find Voltage here. “Sparky, come on out here so I can squish you!” he roared the words, through gently enough not to disturb the little ones.

"Burn Baby Burn"