
The long road home to you



6 Years
02-27-2016, 10:23 PM
Voltage moved to Glacier's side, looking out at the ocean after he had looked back to make sure his den and his family was okay. He laughed softly when his brother nudged him and teased him. He would shift to nudge back and grin up at him. "We are getting older, aren't we." He said with a laugh, shaking his head before he began to walk towards the ocean. The sting of the salt water touched his nose, and he greedily breathed it in. They had lived on their little beach for so long now. They had made their pack, had was good. He stared at the inky blackness of their ocean, their worst enemy and their provider. It was the water that had washed away his daughter, had taken over their home, but it was also the ocean that had provided them fish, protected them from other packs. It limited the ability for rival packs (not that they had any) to get into their packlands. The ocean, like life, was dangerous but oh so sweet...and he had missed it.

He nodded slowly when his brother admitted the same. They were forever on the same wavelength. "We picked a good home, brother." He whispered softly so as not to disturb their packmates and family. His stormy eyes glittered in happiness as he took in the night, looking up at the stars and the skies. "Beautiful night for a walk. Would you like to go up to the cliffs? Or walk along the beach?" He asked happily, looking up at his brother. They didn't get to spent as much time together as they used too, and he missed it so dearly.

"Burn Baby Burn"