
Staring Out The Window



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-28-2016, 12:06 AM

Rude to stare? How could he not stare at someone who looked like the sky? What a weirdo...he was curious. He couldn't help that he was staring, she wasn't brown or black or even Valentine or cascade blue or purple, but literally blue! "Sorry, I've just never seen someone that looks like the sky before." She asked about the thing he stepped in, his tail wagging as amused laughter escaped him. "They're good yeah, as long as you don't eat or chew on the seed. Mom said the seeds are poisonous. But yeah, they do grow on the trees see?" He lifted his muzzle, pointing it towards a small cluster of the pinkish yellow and red fat fruits. There were a few littered on the ground, but he didn't like those ones because bugs and stuff liked to poke holes in them.

At her comment about twenty questions, he returned his attention to her and quirked a brow. She was being sarcastic wasn't she? He bet a peach that she was! "Well I haven't seen you either, that's why I'm asking! I don't really know anyone here!" He furrowed his brows in exasperation before she introduced herself. So she wasn't born in Imperium? Well, neither was he! Except he didn't know that. As far as they were concerned, imperium was home. "Illie Skye? That's a pretty cool name. I'm Dragon Ancora! Do you have any friends yet? If not...maybe we could be friends? I don't really have any and my brother Lykos doesn't like to play with me, and my other brothers are sick so I can't play with them either." He shuffled his paws in the dirt, a little embarrassed to have told her that, but it was true! Besides, he wanted a friend. And she seemed friendly...he hoped.
