
Grasping Straws

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-28-2016, 06:20 PM

Birna nodded as Esti spoke. Now there was an idea. Switching up the teams after each spar off would help keep things from getting to heated. She knew for certain at one point she'd want Rhyme and Rhys on the same team. Those two seemed to have something of a rivalry going on. She didn't know enough of Avalon's kids to know if there was a similar situation there but she guessed there was bound to be. She chuckled at the mention of attractive males. Yes, the desire for Valentine's attention did seem to be what was driving the attention, fair enough. Birna wondered for a moment if it was strange that she didn't share in the desires of these other women. She'd never once felt desire for anyone.

"I don't think Valentine would appreciate us rounding up pups without checking with him first." She grinned at Esti, head tilting to the side as she tired to gauge if the other woman was serious. "The pack population is to high at the moment and while we don't have to keep them long we'll need to plan ahead for the sudden surplus population." Birna was far more in favor of trying the diplomatic approach first and if that failed, well then they could pursue other options, assuming that their alpha was alright with their action. Birna was a loyal wolf and more by-the-books than many of her packmates. It wasn't in her nature to just go where she pleased.

"Yes, lets focus for now on training up the pups of Imperium. I'll pass the word onto Valentine and see if we can get any other packs persuaded to participate in a tournament for our youngest members. If they refuse well… I'm sure we can find other means to test them." She grinned.

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