
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-11-2013, 10:46 PM
The silent hints of sadness seemed to leak from Eria's companion as their travelling had been quiet. The last few strides from both wolves had given Eria time to take in the surrounding details, including those she couldn't see or hear. Feeling her way around was one way to keep all of her senses alert, and it was because of this that she felt the unseen thoughts that were nearby. She didn't say anything about them at the time. There would be another chance for her to reveal her hurtful past. At some point, she knew that sharing it would help her...she was just nervous about it.
Now, as they both looked at the three tunnels in front of them, they were at a crossroads. Which one would they have to take for safety? She sniffed the air that came from all three and looked to Pontifex with a steady, but warm gaze. "I know that it seems I know the way, but..." she hung her head guiltily, "I don't. I just hope that whichever one we choose to take, it will be the right one." Perking her ears, she slowly looked at the runnel to their left and started to pad towards the entryway. "I hear faint sounds of dripping water down this you think this would be the one we choose?" If he did, then she wouldn't mind finding a pool of water to lap from.
ooc: Better post coming soon. Promise!