
Go ahead, make my day [M]



7 Years

02-28-2016, 10:50 PM
His attempt to drive his fangs into her was halted, as the power of her jaws clamped harder onto his face. Her upper left canine pierced deeper into his left eye socket, while her other teeth dug deeper into his left brow and cheek. The punctures were severe, and if that wasn't bad enough, she began to shake her head, thrashing his face. Her teeth dug into the muscles, leaving moderate lacerations - the left side of his face would surely be weakened for a long time to come, if not permanently. Damn this ugly wench! he thought, enraged and in pain, She's way too strong! How was he going to get away? Her forelegs seemed to tighten around his neck, preventing him from backing out of her grip.

The only thing he'd been able to do was leave her with a mild bruise on her chest, and she quickly retaliated. She slammed forward into the front of his neck again, causing moderate bruising and making him choke and cough, barely able to catch his breath. All he could do was try to keep himself grounded. With knees bent and hind legs evenly apart, his toes splayed and claws digging into the mud, he'd try to keep upright but with the force of her entire body slamming into him, he couldn't keep his hind paws from sliding back in the muddy ground. Ehrgeiz slipped suddenly, coming down on his knees - he untucked his forepaws and caught himself before crashing down onto his chest, though it was close, the underside of his forelegs touching the ground. The force of his fall would at last dislodge Sabine's grip on his face, but he was still trapped beneath her weight, her paws now at the back of his neck, pressing down on him.

Now what? With blood soaking his face, he could hardly open his right eye. He couldn't see what he was doing. He'd just have to aim for whatever seemed the closest. Trying to push himself up and forward using his forepaws, his head would snake forward and to his right. He aimed to get close enough to strike her, jaws parting wide. With his teeth he would hope to grab a hold of the skin at the front of her chest where her left foreleg connected with the chest. If he was lucky, he'd leave moderate punctures and gain a grip that he could make worse later - that was, if she didn't rip him apart first. Growling with frustration, he wanted to do more but he could not contest with her strength, nor the weight bearing down on him.

All that was left for him now was to reset the rest of his defenses. His ears remained tucked, muzzle wrinkled in an ugly snarl that revealed all of his teeth, his good eye narrowed for further protection. His abdominal muscles tensed to maintain his positioning, shoulders rolling forward, he bunched up his scruff protectively, hackles remaining on end. His tail tucked defensively, and he'd try to distribute his weight evenly on his forepaws, toes splayed and claws digging into the ground, while his hind legs struggled in the mud.

Sabine vs Ehrgeiz || Freedom || Round 2/3