
Sad But True



6 Years

02-28-2016, 11:39 PM

Esa listened as Ullr revealed his favourite prey of choice. It was simple, but there was nothing wrong with that. Deer was always a hearty choice - there was so much meat, you could stuff yourself and be full for days. She could understand why that was his preference, and her mouth watered at the thought of fresh deer meat. It had been a long, long time since she'd hunted larger prey, since she'd spent so much time alone. She mostly hunted smaller prey, and thought momentarily satisfying, it was a lot of work to keep up with.

Seeing just his expression and wagging tail, she could tell that he was also a traveler. She smiled as he went on to say he seldom liked to stay in one spot, but was feeling good about Argead. She had to agree. She'd never thought pack life would agree with her, but Argead was actually just right for her - there were so many wolves just like herself to make friends with, and they wouldn't be penalized for exploring as long as they pulled their weight. Of course, she wasn't going to tell Ullr how she'd truly ended up here and decided to tie herself down to a pack, to show that she could be reliable and responsible. There was only one wolf she'd done this for, and although it wasn't working in her favor, she didn't regret it.

She perked up as he mentioned snacks before exploring; she licked her lips, nodding to him. As he gestured with his head for her to go first, she lined herself up beside him, eyeing the frogs on the lilypads. They looked wary, but stayed put. The wolves would just have to dive quickly and predict the frogs' movements. She crouched down, readying her limbs to leap into the pond. "Ready... ?" she whispered, giving Ullr a sidelong glance. Then she sprung forward, watching her target frog plunge into the water just a second before her paws hit the water's surface. Esa wouldn't let it get away - as she hit the water, her head plunged beneath the surface, jaws snapping accurately upon the frog before it could swim any further.

When she broke the surface, she giggled to herself and swam back to the edge of the pond, pulling herself up onto solid ground. It wasn't the biggest frog, but it was better than nothing. Pleased with her catch anyways, she began to dug in, peeking up to see how Ullr had fared. Was he also good at catching frogs?

"Speak" "Listen" Think