
Summer breeze



4 Years
Extra large
02-29-2016, 01:07 AM

Mortar watched as she twirled where she was and padded out of her den and the boy eagerly followed his blue coated friend. As they walked he kept expecting there to be some grand tale to go along with their stroll but none came. This confused him though he didn't say anything about it. Instead he just followed her quietly, yet excitedly, as they made their way to the beach. This time they wouldn't have to clean anything up and he was more than eager to explore. Now that all the water had receded he was absolutely certain that there would be plenty for them to see and do.

"Daddy said you can have a den on the beach and he said I can have a play den... I was thinking we could find them together? Apparently there's lots of caves along the base of the cliff to explore and there cleaned out and safe"

Mortar was a bit surprised by this. It'd never occurred to him to switch dens before, much less move to the beach, so he didn't know what to think of it. Then it brought on the question: why could Ray only have a play den and he could completely move into one? Did he really want to move to the beach? The prospect was exciting, and it wouldn't be any lonelier than his den now, but he finally decided he'd figure it out when he got there.

"Sounds great! We can find the best ones together." He said with a soft grin.

It wasn't long before their paws hit sand and he relished in the warmth it brought to his paw pads. It was amazing how different sand was compared to dirt and grass. "Wanna pick a direction?" Well he hadn't expected that. Normally it was Ray leading the way. He wouldn't waste his opportunity though. He nodded eagerly and then glanced around for a moment before deciding to take off at a lope to the left. It looked like a good place to start!

Walk, "Talk" Think

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