
These Lands Are Your Lands



7 Years
02-29-2016, 09:54 AM

Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

He commented that he was a friendly giant, and Amalia let out a laugh. "Good, because you could easily squish me without even trying! Remind me not to get on your bad side, if friendly giants have bad sides," she said with a wink. After everything that had been going on in Amalia's life, it was nice to have a conversation with someone who made her laugh. And he was a stranger, he didn't know what her son had done or what had transpired that day, she would have remembered seeing him. Everything took a turn when she mentioned that she was a healer, and her blue eyes flew open wide as a rush of excited words left her mouth. Ama struggled to keep up, it was obvious that this man was quite elated at the fact that she knew about herbs and healing. A huge grin spread across her maw, although it faltered slightly when he mentioned being hit hard with flooding. And no healer! Oh dear. Her ears flickered as she thought, not minding that Mithras has ignored her question and was pressing on about healing. He told her to name her price, and her gaze grew even wider. A price? "Oh no, I don't require payment for teaching about healing. Just seeing others learn is a gift enough to me!" she said with a sharp nod of her head. Her tiny tail flickered slightly, gears grinding in her mind. "I'm sure that I could ask Leo, the leader of Fiori, if I could stay here awhile to teach you. I can't just leave you with no healer, that won't do at all. Fiori is a nice pack, and I know for a fact that my brother would be open to having an alliance with you," she hummed thoughtfully, raising to her paws as he looked all the way up at Mithras. "I could come with you now, teach you a lesson about the herb I was looking for. And then I could go ask my brother about staying for a touch?"