
There's a time to wait, and a time to take action



6 Years
02-29-2016, 01:48 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage sat on the cliffs, staring out at the ocean. It had been getting warmer as summer descended on them and the waters had continued to receed. Their dens were accessible now, and the waters were far enough away to be deemed safe, even if the beach was still a tad smaller than they were used too. The debris, however, was almost saddening. Ocean life, seaweed, and things they had held in their dens were scattered around the beach. He had little hope that his favorite rock collection would be intact, and he worried about that special cresent moon his brother had found for him. What if that, too, was lost to sea. He had been sitting there since before sunrise, just watching the waves like he had done for the past few weeks. Glacier was always busy herding his daughters, and Voltage felt an odd obligation to sit there and watch the waters. The ocean had stolen his daughter from him, and he was not willing to allow it to hurt his family anymore. But they couldn't move, they all loved their beach so much. The prairies had been claimed as nothing more than a hunting ground and a place to stay should the ocean flood.

Which it did.

So that was a good to have, huh? He turned when he saw movement, smiling brightly as Glacier awoke and noticed the ocean had receeded. It was safe enough now, they could move back home. He nodded his head to Glacier then, allowing him to call the family together. Well, not so much allowing, but rather it seemed right. Voltage had been the one to warn them of the flood, Glacier would be the one to take them all home. It was how they worked, in a sense. So he stood from his perch and shook his fur out, moving lazily towards the gathering group. Their family was great at gathering so quickly. He would smile at the children, at everyone that gathered, his sisters and brothers and those that had joined their family. It was perfect, it was. So he moved to his brother's shoulder and pushed his shoulder against him with a laugh. "Time to go home, Brother." He said with his toothy grin before pausing and turning his head. Something was off. Everyone was happy...which was to be expected. Everyone loved the beach, except for one firey sister but she wasn't here to be upset. No, his eyes settled on Lior then, tilting his head as he noticed her frown before he quickly looked back up to his brother. "Clean up is in order, yes? Does anyone have any suggestions on how we should go about this?" He asked, looking back at his family then, before his gaze settled another few seconds on Lior before moving away again. "Or have anything else to say? I mean, it's not very often we are all together, now is it?" Except for his wife and children, but they were allowed to be absent.

Sorry for the delay! This marks the beginning of the next round. You all have one week from the date this was posted, so please post by March 7th!. Thank you.