
Summer's Rest



5 Years
03-01-2016, 02:07 AM

A soft grumble escaped his jowls as he padded across the rocky expanse towards the beach. Boredom had drug him away from Mount Volkan but the heat was about to drive him right back. He was one of the lucky wolves who had completely pale coats (not including his legs) so it wasn't that bad. Short fur covered the expanse of his body but it didn't mean he appreciated the sweltering heat anymore than anyone else. He was used to the chill of the mountains, it was where he'd lived all his life, so leaving was a pretty big climate change for him.

The change of scenery was a refreshing change for Grimm. It wasn't all creepy or dark like other places he'd enjoyed, and the fact he was out here in the daytime was earth-shattering, but it was nice to escape. Perhaps for once he'd find something or someone interesting enough to keep him entertained for more than a few moments. That was the thing with a solitary existence... with no one around it was a dull life. Had his siblings actually stuck around they'd be off terrorizing the country side, but they'd been split apart ages ago. Pestilence and him had stayed together for a little while, but even she had left him. He was alone and most weren't even worth a second glance, much less allowed to stay with him.

Rocks swiftly changed into sand and the trickster paused to feel it sift beneath his toes before he padded closer to the waters. He hadn't been here in what felt like forever, though not much had changed. Other than the few minuscule changes like scattered driftwood and differences in the sand dunes there wasn't anything that was different. His muzzle wrinkled in disgust at the thought of it. Why did he come here again?

He walked until water began to lap at his toes and then he walked some more. Foam tickled the fur on his legs for a while as he trotted along the shoreline. He didn't slow until he spotted something rather interesting. A shark had managed to beach itself. He wasn't familiar with sharks, but this one was massive and mostly gray with a white underbelly. It was very much dead though from the smell it hadn't been that way for very long. He glanced around for a moment before shooing off the birds that had accumulated. He preferred hunting his own food but it wasn't often one got to enjoy shark. So he ate his fill from it before leaving the kill, blood still smeared across his face. He'd clean it off later.

His stroll didn't last very long before the scent of another wolf caught his attention. Feminine from what he could tell. He'd been under the impression he was alone though he certainly wouldn't have minded the company at that point. His pace quickened as lanky legs seemed to eat the ground as he loped across the sand. Her dark figure stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the lightness of the beach. She was a slim and dainty looking thing. Simple yet elegant. He couldn't already tell this was possibly going to be fun.

So he put on his most charming and dazzling grin, a hint of sly mischievousness added to it, as he slowed his pace and padded over to her. He still gave them a bit of distance as he wasn't so foolish as to go within biting distance.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked with feigned innocence, staring her up and down as he calculated her, trying to figure out everything about her before she even spoke.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]