
Second Chances



5 Years
03-01-2016, 02:14 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her ears perked, turned, and her head lifted to follow suit. She heard the sounds of footsteps, as well as that of dragging, and was treated to the sight of Jakart hauling through a dead deer. Though she kept the thought to herself, it did impress her that he was able to do this, to catch larger game all on his own. If Callisto had tried herself to do the same she would have never succeeded, and, if she was being honest with herself, would have likely returned injured somehow. I'm never going hungry, she realized with satisfaction, and felt the grumbling of her stomach change. She would never understand the inner workings of her body.

The grey male strode over to her, muzzle freshly cleaned, and she accepted his soft nuzzle without rebuking it, muttering only, "You've been productive today." It was possibly an understatement - he brought more than enough food for the both of them - and Calli was sour to realize she had less to show for herself. Her head shifted minutely and her eyes lifted to the spot in the tree where the scrawny black cat still lay, calm and quiet and watching. Would she say anything? Would Bella reveal the secret they were both keeping from Jakart, or would Callisto be given that liberty?

Not wanting the potential father to be tipped off to anything amiss, her pale, silver-blue eyes settled back on him again and with a deep breath she spoke. "We'll be heading back across the bridge in the next day or two. The waters should have receded by now, so it should work." She just hoped she would physically be up for the challenge. If she kept the litter, she would be dealing with their symptoms; if she chose to terminate it, she was not altogether sure of what effects she might have due to it. Recalling the full relocation of her stores before their departure, and their new placement in the Faller's Fjord, she narrowed her eyes in question and asked, "And we'll be staying in the Faller's Fjord. I didn't look around enough before we left. What can I expect there?"