
No Ordinary Love



9 Years
Athena I
03-01-2016, 02:40 AM
He was beginning to believe the journey would never end. He followed his brother's lead back to these lands easily enough, but once he reached Alacritis he wasn't sure where to go from there. He had started in the north and slowly made his way down the continent, searching for any sign of the scents of either of his brothers. Finally, after feeling like he had been walking for ages and ages be caught a slight whiff of Creed's scent. He couldn't believe it at first, but the longer he followed it the stronger it got. He didn't want to stop for fear of losing the trail, but it wasn't as easy as it used to be to go for so long. His muscles were aching and he was reduced to a slow walk, especially now that it was getting into warmer and warmer territories. He was lucky enough to have lighter fur on most of his body, but that didn't help the thick fur covering his whole form.

Slowly he noticed Creed's scent being over powered by the many mingled scents of a pack and his ears perked slightly. He had joined a pack? At least that's what it seemed like. He pushed his large form onwards, trying to hurry as best he could toward this pack he was smelling. Finally, in the distance he saw a figure moving along the edge of the plains and a minute later he got close enough to recognize his brother's distinctive markings. His exhaustion immediately got pushed aside and a smile tugged at his lips while his tail began to wag behind him. Heavy paws thudded against the ground as he picked up into a trot toward his sibling. He let out a bark to get his attention, a slight grin touching his muzzle.