
Smoke and mirrors



9 Years
Athena I
03-01-2016, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2016, 05:21 PM by Leo.)

Deadline to post is March 15th!

The one thing Leo knew how to do when confronted with some kind of conflict or distress was to throw himself into the few things he knew how to do well. One of those things was his alpha duties. He had practically doubled his patrols and had started thinking and pack things constantly, all in an effort to distract himself from the fact that there was still no sign of Svetlana. If she had a habit of going off for days at a time he wouldn't be as concerned, but this was a first for her. He tried so hard not to think about what might have happened or how his children might feel about this, but these thoughts crept in on him at night when he was trying to sleep.

He knew he was going to hit a breaking point at some point... he just needed that day to not be today. He was watching his children play when he stood and gave them all a smile. "Come on, I think it's high time we have a pack meeting." He'd lead the way to the larger open area where they usually held their meetings. He took a moment to quickly neaten each of his children's fur, lapping his tongue over their foreheads and chests. Everything was fine. Everything was going to be okay.

Once they were all settled he climbed on top of a fallen log and settled on his haunches, taking a deep breath before lifting his muzzle and calling for the pack. A pang of heartache hit him as he lowered his head again and glanced to the empty place beside him where his queen should be sitting. He gritted his teeth and pushed the thought away, instead focusing on watching his children and making sure they were behaving.

"Talk" "You" Think