
{AW} Hide Away

Erebos I


6 Years
03-01-2016, 05:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2016, 05:54 PM by Erebos I.)

This very place seemed to be the exact representation of his soul. Brambles were thick and tangled, there was no way to tell where one started and the others began. A dense fog wrapped around the entire landscape, making it hard to see the obstacles at his paws. It was dangerous, and yet in a sense... beautiful. Is that how others saw him? Was he a deadly viper with pretty, shiny scales?

'Ha, you wish.'

Erebos growled when Aletha's voice echoed in his head, his pink and blue eyes narrowing into dangerous slits. He had been hoping that the voices would be silent today, but without Beau by his side, they were loud and clear. His tail lashed behind him, and he tried to ignore her. There were three voices that plagued him, pushed him to return to his dark past. He came to these lands in hope of bettering himself, and so far he had been able to do that. But the voices had other thoughts. They tried to drive him mad, to push him over the edge once again. Being a killing machine was something he wanted to leave in his homelands, it was difficult though. Every day was a struggle, and he had been foolish enough to wander away from Beau. This place seemed to call to him though, like a siren in the fog. Letting out a sigh he moved on through the land, monochrome body cutting through the underbrush.

Mismatched gaze scouted the horizon, and he thought he saw a form moving through the miasma. Pausing, he tried to catch a sight of who it was. He got his answer soon enough, Liliya's laugh echoing through his mind. Erebos swallowed hard, and soon enough her ghostly form was at his side. She looked at him and tilted her head, as if asking him where he had been. Liliya was the most powerful demon that haunted him, and the hardest to ignore. He should have known that she would appear in a place like this, impending doom seeming to linger within the gloom. She didn't appear often, but a place like these woods were just up her ally. 'Been awhile, my sweet.' she whispered. Erebos growled again, lashing out with his right leg as he tried to chomp on the outline of her muzzle. Her wispy frame just rippled where his body had cut through it, her laugh filling every corner of his psyche. His entire body froze, and it took several moments for him to find the strength to move. "Piss off, Liliya," he grumbled, turning and stalking away in the opposite direction. The other two voices in his head grew silent with the appearance of Lili, but it was far from peaceful. As he strode through the woods, he could feel her spectral fur brushing against his. He needed to get out of here.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.