
Chasing Cars



9 Years
03-01-2016, 08:41 PM

He felt sticky. The air was hot, and thick with moisture. His dense coat, which was designed for cooler climates, clung to him uncomfortably, causing him to grumble as he made his way around the mangroves. His pace was considerably slower than usual. He'd have to change to change his routine to become a night owl at this rate. If anything could beat him down, it was humidity. The dry heat of the west hadn't bothered him the same way - yes, hot weather was uncomfortable, but it was bearable when it didn't cling to you and drag you down. This... this was just insufferable. "Too hot," he muttered to himself irritably, staring at the ground as his paws carried him, "There's got to be somewhere cooler..."

Distracted from his overly warm self-pitying by a soft noise, he paused and lifted his head, catching sight of a wolf disappearing into shaded cover. Deciding this would be a good opportunity to hide from the sun, as well as get to know a pack mate, Xephyris headed over to the same gnarled tree that Ashelia had taken cover under. He instantly regretted approaching the lone woman, for as soon as he could see her face, he realized that she was very upset. On the verge of tears, it seemed. He scowled slightly, trying not to look at her directly - he didn't know what to say.

"Mind if I... share your shade?" he asked with a raised brow, trying not to acknowledge her emotional condition, "Have you been in Fiori long?" His tone was casual, yet he couldn't help but to be uncomfortably aware of her mood. He had to wonder, although he wasn't sure he wanted to know, what on earth could put a wolf into such an upset state. Then again, she was a woman, so it wasn't exactly unheard of.

"Talk" "You" Think